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Spiritual Restructuring (SpR)


Starts Apr 12
HK$8000 - HK$8800
Secret of Bliss

Available spots


靈性結構重整 (SpR) 於 1998 年由 Robert E. Detzler 創立,是一套結合靈性和身體層面的非入侵性綜合療法。你將在為期 6 天的 SpR 課程學習如何: 💡 應用肌力學療法:除了與高我建立聯繫並使用靈擺之外,你將應用肌力學療法,直接與潛意識互動,找出反映心理、情緒和健康失衡的身體區域。 💡調整身體: • 測試身體的失衡並與所有肌肉建立聯繫 • 測試和矯正卡住的關節和關節力矩 • 平衡能量轉化點(身體外部的能量中心)、泄殖腔、淋巴系統、脈輪和氣場 • 發送療癒能量至器官和腺體 • 增強器官和腺體的溝通 • 重組大腦,增強身體的療癒分配 • 優化促進健康的營養 💡運用 SpR 冥想,連結並釋放身體中累積的壓力記憶,緩解由它們引發的疼痛或健康困擾。 💡 輕鬆自如地應用 SpR 技巧:你將使用人體圖並在其他學員身上進行練習,深入體會和整合各種技巧,實現身心平衡、健康和幸福感。 日期: <共6天> 2025年 4月12日 - 4月13日, 4月18日 - 4月21日 時間:10:00 am 至 6:00 pm 導師:Shirlyn Wright 語言:英語 及 廣東話即場翻譯 🔻 費用:HK$8,800 (重讀:畢業學員可享半價優惠) 🔻 早鳥優惠:HK$8,000(2025年2月14日或之前報名和付款) ⭐ 成功完成課程的學員,將獲頒SRA認證證書。 📌 此課程僅開放給已完成SRT【基礎】課程的學員 Spiritual Restructuring (SpR), founded by Robert E. Detzler in 1998, is a holistic non-invasive healing system designed to bring together our spiritual and physical aspects. You will learn the following in a 6-day SpR Course: 💡 Apply kinesiology: In addition to working with your High Self and a pendulum, you will learn to use kinesiology and work directly with the subconscious mind. Kinesiology can be used to locate the areas of mental, emotional and physical imbalances. 💡 Align the body: • Test for imbalances and make connections to all muscles of the body • Test and correct jammed joints and joint torques • Balance transformers (energy centres outside the body), cloacals, the lymphatic system, chakras and auras • Send healing energies to organs and glands • Help organs and glands communicate better • Restructure the brain for better healing distribution to the body • Optimize healthy nutrition 💡 Work with SpR meditations: These meditations can access and release stressful memories from situations that the body has held from past experiences. Releasing body memories can relieve the pain or body distress associated with negative experiences. 💡 Apply SpR techniques with grace and ease: You will practice on a body diagram and on other students to understand and integrate the different techniques used to create balance, health, and wellbeing. Total 6 days: Apri 12 - 13, April 18 - 21 (2025) Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Teacher: Shirlyn Wright Language: English and Cantonese translation 🔻 Fees: HKD 8,800 (Retake graduates can enjoy a 50% discount) 🔻 Early Bird Fees: HKD 8,000 (Enroll and pay on or before Feb 14, 2025) ⭐ Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate issued by SRA. 📌 Participants are required to have successfully completed SRT Basic.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • +852-9818 9341

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