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SRT Chart 3 Class


Starts Jul 26
4,200 Hong Kong dollars
Secret of Bliss

Available spots


我們是如何被創造出來的?我們在這裡的目的是什麼?我們服務於哪些靈性部門?每個SRT圖表和意識層次之間有何關聯?我們的意識如何不斷擴展? 一連兩天的圖表3課程會詳細講解以下課題: ✨ 我們宇宙和其他宇宙的創造過程 ✨ 靈性及物質的進化過程 ✨ 每一次轉世到肉身之前的計劃過程 ✨ 每一個意識層次的功能和作用 ✨ SRT圖表的創造過程以及與我們靈性成長的關聯 ✨ 每個靈性能量體的功能以及靈在當中設定的程式 ✨ 高層次圖表(8B、10A-32)如何及為何對靈性存在體的發展如此重要?如何更深入地清理這些圖表? ✨ 圖表1內圈各個靈性部門的功能 ✨ 如何運用圖表3進行更深入的清理 ✨ 如何清理靈魂進展的所有階段: 由我們被靈創造的那一刻起到現在 日期: 2025 年 7月 26日 和 27日 (星期六和星期日) 時間: 上午10:00 時 - 下午6:00 時 導師: Shirlyn Wright 語言: 英語 + 粵語現場翻譯 費用: 港幣 4,200 元正 (重讀:畢業學員可享半價優惠) 📌 報名資格:此課程僅開放給已完成SRT基礎課程 (SRT Basic Class) 的學員。 SRT Chart 3 Class How were we created? Why are we here? What are the Spiritual Offices that we serve in? How is each chart related to different levels of consciousness? How will we keep expanding in consciousness? This 2-days Chart 3 class will go in-depth discussing: ✨ How our and other universes are created ✨ The spiritual and physical evolution process ✨ The planning process before we incarnate in each physical life ✨ The meaning of levels of consciousness including their functions and what takes place ✨ How each SRT Chart was created and related to our spiritual growth ✨ The functions of each Spiritual Body and what SPIRIT programmed into each ✨ How/why the higher level charts (8B, 10A-32) are important to our development as spiritual beings and how to clear them with more understanding ✨ Understanding the functions of the Spiritual Offices listed on the inside of Chart 1 ✨ How to do an in-depth clearing using Chart 3 ✨ How to clear all stages of your soul development from the moment SPIRIT created you to now Dates : July 26 - 27, 2025 (Saturday & Sunday) Time : 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Teacher : Shirlyn Wright Language : English and Live Cantonese Translation Fees : HK$4,200 (Retake graduates can enjoy a 50% discount) 📌 Enrollment requirement: Participants must have completed the Basic Class of Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) If you are interested, please kindly register with us by WhatsApp +852-9818 9341 ( or Email:

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  • +852-9818 9341

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