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SRT New Moon Group Clearing (Leo)

SRT 新月團體清理 (獅子座)

Starts Jul 25
100 Hong Kong dollars
Secret of Bliss

Available spots


月亮反映潛意識的領域,象徵固有直覺、本能和內在自我的深度。我們內心的恐懼、幻覺、夢想和直覺隱藏在其神秘的光芒中。 The Moon symbolizes our innate intuition, instincts, and the depths of our inner selves—the realm of the subconscious mind. Within its enigmatic glow, our fears, illusions, dreams, and intuitive whispers may lie concealed. 在新月期間,月球背向太陽的黑暗面將朝向地球。此時意識和潛意識的界限變得模糊,讓我們得以探索內心深藏的部分。我們將經歷情感和心智的變化,踏上自我反思的旅程,感受來自個人轉變、顯化和正面改變的強勁動力。 During the New Moon, the Moon presents its non-illuminated, dark side to Earth. It is a time when the veil between the conscious and subconscious realms becomes thinner, allowing us to access hidden aspects of ourselves. We often experience a unique and powerful shift in our emotional and mental landscape, inviting us to embark on a journey of introspection and creating a powerful momentum for personal transformation, manifestation, and creation of positive shifts in life. 在每一個新月日,Shirlyn Wright 將根據特定能量和主題安排團體清理,給予靈感和建議。我們將發送錄音 (+廣東話即時翻譯) 給所有參加者,旨在: ☁︎ 提供支持性和滋養性的空間,陪伴你啟程自我探索 ☁︎ 解開你內心最深層、在忙碌生活中被遺忘的渴望 ☁︎ 釋放和療癒任何限制你成長和幸福的情感阻礙、限制性信念或未處理的情緒 ☁︎ 賦予你實現內在夢想的力量 On each New Moon Day, Shirlyn will harness the specific energy and theme of the New Moon and do a SRT Group Clearing. We will send out an audio recording (with Cantonese translation) to those who sign up, aiming to: ☁︎ provide a supportive and nurturing environment to embark on this journey of self-exploration ☁︎ unlock the gateway to exploring your deepest desires that may have become obscured amidst the hustle and bustle of your daily life ☁︎ release and heal any emotional blocks, limiting beliefs, or unresolved emotions that may be hindering your growth and well-being ☁︎ empower you to manifest your innermost dreams *** 📌 DATE AND TOPIC (日期和清理主題) 🌑 July 25, 2025 (Leo 獅子座) 在需要更明確方向的生活領域展現領導力。 Expressing leadership in an area of your life that needs more concentrated direction. 📌 歡迎任何有興趣人士參加團體清理 時間 : 30分鐘錄音將在當天晚上或48小時內提供 ⏰ 報名截止時間:新月當日中午12時正 語言 : 英語及廣東話翻譯 費用 : 每位港幣 100 元正 📌Group clearings are open to all who would like to participate! Time : a 30-min audio recording will be sent by the end of the day or within 48 hours ⏰ Registration Deadline: 12:00 pm on the date of the New Moon Languages : English with Cantonese Translation Fees : HK $100/per participant

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • +852-9818 9341

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